Most Probable topic for UPSC IAS 2020 : 20 June 2019

Cat-fox of Corsica may be a new species

In the forest of northern Corsica, a striped, tawny-coated animal, one of the 16 felines known as "cat-foxes" and thought to be a new species is revealed by two wildlife rangers.
     They are wild natural species which are known but not scientifically identified because it's an extremely inconspicuous animal with nocturnal habits.

Carbon Quantum Dots developed from coal will help in Cancer Cell detection :

A team of scientists in Assam has developed a chemical process that turns dirty coal into biomedical dot to help detect cancer cell.
# The team has developed a method of producing Carbon Quantum Dots (CQDs) from cheap, abundant, low-quality and high sulphur coals.
# CQDs are carbon based nano-materials whose size is less than 10 nano meter.
# CQDs are used as diagnostic tools for bio-imaging, especially in detecting cancer cells, for chemical sensing and in opto-electronics.
# CQDs emits a bluish color with high stability, good-conductivity, low-toxicity, environmental friendliness, and good-optical properties.
# The study was published in the Journal of photo-chemistry and photo-biology.
# According to study, the source material is abundant, low quality Indian coal not directly suitable for thermal electrical production. 

Rotten Kid Theorem 

According to it, In the presence of parents who care equally about the welfare of all their children, even selfish children within the family may posses a strong incentive to be kind of their sibling. 
# This theorem was proposed by American Economist Gary Becker in his 1974 paper, "A theory of social interactions".
# Any harm caused by the selfish children to the other children in the family will push the parents to allocate more wealth to the well-being of the other children and will in turn reduce the selfish child's own share of the family wealth.  

Sinha panel for doubling cap on collateral-free loans to MSMEs

Eight member panel of Sinha committee submits report to RBI, suggesting, level to be raised to Rs. 20 lakh to boost fund  requirement to the MSMEs sector.
# The RBI formed an "Expert Committee on micro, small and medium enterprises" under chairmanship of former SEBI chairman UK Sinha in January to suggest long term measure for economic and financial sustainability of MSMEs.
# The proposal is to provide the loan under the MUDRA scheme of the central government as working capital and term loans for business enterprises in manufacturing, trading, services and agricultural activities.
# Under the aegis of Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojna (PMMY), MUDRA has created three products : Sishu, Kishore and Tarun to signify the stage of growth, development and funding needs of the beneficiary  micro unit/entrepreneur and also provide a reference point for the next phase of growth.
# Under the Sishu scheme, loan upto 50,000 will be offered, from 50000 to upto 5 lakh will be offered under Kishore scheme and and above 5 lakh and upto 10 lakh will be covered under Tarun scheme.
# The Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency (MUDRA) Bank finances the loans, which are offered through commercial banks and financial institutions.
# The state level performance is monitored by state level Banker Committee.   

Dispute resolution panel for renewables coming

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has decided to set up a three member dispute resolution committee (DRC) to look into disputes beyond contractual agreement between solar and Wind Power Developers and Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) or state run power giant NTPC.
# This disputes resolution mechanism will cover all those project that would be implemented through or by SECI and NTPC.

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