UPSC conduct various exams like UPSC IAS , CDS , UPSC (CMS) Combined Medical Services Examination and various scientist post etc.
If you want to prepare for UPSC IAS, PCS or IFS then taking biology as your stream in class 11 may be helpful only for optional subject in mains exam but biology is not main subject of prelims and compulsory subject of mains.
The syllabus of prelims contains Indian history, geography, politics, economic and current affairs as the main subject.
But, if you are preparing for the Combined Medical Services Examination, biology will be the main subject.
The UPSC CMS consist of two papers each Paper carrying a maximum of 250 marks. Each Paper will be of two hours duration.
Syllabus of Paper‐I
(a) General Medicine including the following:
(i) Cardiology
(ii) Respiratory diseases
(iii) Gastro‐intestinal
(iv) Genito‐Urinary
(v) Neurology
(vi) Hematology
(vii) Endocrinology
(viii) Metabolic disorders
(ix)Infections/Communicable Diseases
a) Virus
b) Rickets
c) Bacterial
d) Spirochetal
e) Protozoan
f) Metazoan
g) Fungus
(x) Nutrition/Growth
(xi)Diseases of the skin (Dermatology)
(xii) Musculoskelatal System
(xiii) Psychiatry
(xiv) General
(xv) Emergency Medicine
(xvi) Common Poisoning
(xvii) Snake bite
(xviii) Tropical Medicine
(xix) Critical Care Medicine
(xx) Emphasis on medical procedures
(xxi) Patho physiological basis of diseases
(xxii) Vaccines preventable diseases and Non vaccines preventable diseases
(xxiii) Vitamin deficiency diseases
(xxiv) In psychiatry include – Depression, psychosis, anxiety, bipolar diseases and Schizoprenia.
(b) Paediatrics including the following ‐
(i)Common childhood emergencies,
(ii) Basic new born care,
(iii) Normal developmental milestones,
(iv) Accidents and poisonings in children,
(v) Birth defects and counseling including autism,
(vi) Immunization in children,
(vii) Recognizing children with special needs and management, and
(viii) National programmes related to child health.
Syllabus of Paper II
(a) Surgery
(b) Gynaecology &
(c) Preventive & Social
Syllabus of Paper ‐ II
(a) Surgery
(Surgery including ENT, Ophthalmology, Traumatology and Orthopaedics)
(I) General Surgery
i) Wounds
ii) Infections
iii) Tumours
iv) Lymphatic
v) Blood vessels
vi) Cysts/sinuses
vii) Head and neck
viii) Breast
ix) Alimentary tract
a) Oesophagus
b) Stomach
c) Intestines
d) Anus
e) Developmental
x) Liver, Bile, Pancreas
xi) Spleen
xii) Peritoneum
xiii) Abdominal wall
xiv) Abdominal injuries
(II) Urological Surgery
(III) Neuro Surgery
(IV) Otorhinolaryngology E.N.T.
(V) Thoracic surgery
(VI) Orthopedic surgery
(VII) Ophthalmology
(VIII) Anesthesiology
(IX) Traumatology
(X) Diagnosis and management of common surgical ailments
(XI) Pre‐operative and post operative care of surgical patients
(XII) Medicolegal and ethical issues of surgery
(XIII) Wound healing
(XIV) Fluid and electrolyte management in surgery
(XV) Shock patho‐physiology and management.
i) Ante‐natal conditions
ii) Intra‐natal conditions
iii) Post‐natal conditions
iv) Management of normal labours or complicated labour
i) Questions on applied anatomy
ii) Questions on applied physiology of menstruation and fertilization
iii) Questions on infections in genital tract
iv) Questions on neoplasma in the genital tract
v) Questions on displacement of the uterus
vi) Normal delivery and safe delivery practices
vii) High risk pregnancy and management
viii) Abortions
ix) Intra Uterine growth retardation
x) Medicolegal examination in obgy and Gynae including Rape.
i) Conventional contraceptives
ii) U.D. and oral pills
iii) Operative procedure, sterilization and organization of programmes in the urban and rural surroundings
iv) Medical Termination of Pregnancy
I Social and Community Medicine
II Concept of Health, Disease and
Preventive Medicine
III Health Administration and Planning
IV General Epidemiology
V Demography and Health Statistics
VI Communicable Diseases
VII Environmental Health
VIII Nutrition and Health
IX Non‐communicable diseases
X Occupational Health
XI Genetics and Health
XII International Health
XIII Medical Sociology and Health Education
XIV Maternal and Child Health
XV National Programmes
XVI Management of common health problems
XVII Ability to monitor national health programmes
XVIII Knowledge of maternal and child wellness
XIX Ability to recognize, investigate, report, plan and manage community health problems including malnutrition and emergencies.
(B) PERSONALITY TEST – (100 marks):
Candidates who qualify in the computer based examination will be called for Interview/Personality Test to be conducted by the Union Public Service Commission. The Interview/Personality Test will carry 100 marks.
The Interview for Personality Test will be intended to serve as a supplement to the computer based
examination for testing the General Knowledge and ability of the candidates in the fields of their academic study and also in the nature of a personality test to assess the candidate’s intellectual curiosity, critical power of assimilation, balance of judgement and alertness of mind, ability for social cohesion, integrity of character, initiative and capability for leadership.