Scientists decode genomes of "Miracle Plants"
Scientists from the university of Kerala have decoded the genetic makeup of Arogyapacha (Trichopus Zeylanicus) a highly potent medicinal plant endemic to Agastya hills in the Southern Western Ghats.
# The "miracle plants" is known for its traditional use by the Kani tribal community to combat fatigue.
# They also shows anti-oxidant, aphrodisiac, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-ulcer, hepatoprotective, and anti-diabetic properties.
Plants may be spreading superbugs to Human
According to a study, plants based food can transmit antibiotic resistance to microbes living in our guts. Antibiotic-resistant infections are threat to global public health, food safety and an economic burden.
# Spreading of antibiotic resistant superbugs from plants to human is different from plants to human is different from outbreak of diarrheal illnesses caused immediately after eating contaminated vegetables.
# Superbugs can asymptomatically hide in (colonise) the intestines for several months or even years, and escaping, causes an infection.
# The researchers developed a novel, lettuce-mouse model system that does not cause immediate illness to mimic consumption of superbugs with plant-foods.
National Green Tribunal (NGT) forms panel to look into plastic packaging rule
# The NGT constituted the panel comprising representative from the Central Pollution Board, Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI) , Bureau of Directorate of Health Services.
# The NGT has constituted an expert committee to ascertain whether norms are required to restrict the use of plastic packaging.
People are ingesting 5 gm of micro-plastic every week
# Across the world, people could be ingesting 5 gm of plastic every week, equivalent to the weight of a debit card.
# Plastic particles have recently been found in fish in the deepest recesses in the ocean and blanketing the most pristine snow in the pyrenees mountains between France and Spain.
# Coming mostly from tap and especially bottled water, nearly invisible to bit of polymer were also found in shellfish, beer and salt.
# On current trends, the ocean will contain one metric tonne of plastic for every three metric tonne of fish.
Indian Medical Council Amendment Bill cleared
The Indian Medical Council (Amendment Bill ) 2019 and the Homeopathy Central Council (Amendment Bill) 2019, both of which had collapsed in 16th Lok Sabha session has approved by the Cabinet.
# The Medical Council Bill is aimed at bringing in transparency and quality in the governance of medical education.
# Homeopathy Central Council (Amendment Bill) 2019, meanwhile, seeks to extend the period for reconstruction of the Central Council from existing period of one year so that the tenure of the Board of Governance may be extended for a further period of one year with effects from May 17, 2019.
# Cabinet on 12 June, also approved the introduction of a Bill to amend the Dentist Act, 1948.